LJ Hooker Foundation

On 20 September 2016 LJ Hooker launched its new charity, the LJ Hooker Foundation, to manage the significant funds raised by its network of 600 offices across Australia.
In excess of $1 million is expected to be bestowed over the next five years to the LJ Hooker Foundation. On launch two major beneficiaries have been chosen, the Humpty Dumpty Foundation and Cystic Fibrosis Australia.
In the immediate term, LJ Hooker Foundation will fund the development and launch in 2017 of CF Consumer Connect, a new platform for the cystic fibrosis community members to share their feedback on care and treatment in CF Centres.
Over 50 charities were reviewed by LJ Hooker offices and the LJ Hooker Corporate team before LJ Hooker Foundation’s second charity partner was chosen, Humpty Dumpty Foundation.
Humpty Dumpty Foundation facilitates the donation of life-saving medical equipment in paediatric wards, neonatal units and emergency departments in 275 hospitals around Australia. This number is expected to rise to more than 300 hospitals with the LJ Hooker partnership.
Paul Francis, Founder and Executive Chairman of Humpty Dumpty Foundation, said their partnership with LJ Hooker Foundation will be a wonderful opportunity for regional and remote hospitals to benefit from the local generosity and fundraising efforts of LJ Hooker offices.
“We are aiming to assist 300 hospitals by mid-2017, which will now be more than achievable due to partnering LJ Hooker offices with their local hospitals and, in turn, potentially in locations we currently don’t support,”.
For more information please visit foundation.ljhooker.com.au